Mario564's Team Tournament Spreadsheet

A spreadsheet made to keep your osu! tournament team scores, schedules and more well organized in the most conventional way possible.

Spreadsheet Template

To make a copy of this spreadsheet, go to File > Make a Copy, give your copy a name and a destination in your Google Drive. Now you're ready to set it up.

Click here to go to the spreadsheet template

Spreadsheet Example

In case you want to see how something is used before using it yourself, you can view this example spreadsheet I've made.

Click here to go to the spreadsheet example

Initial Setup

To get started you'll first need to authorize the scripts.

To do this head to Spreadsheet Scripts > Config > Authorize. You'll be asked to authorize, click Continue, select your E-mail of your preference, click on Advanced, then Go to osu! Team Tournament Scripts (unsafe) (or something similar to that) and finally allow everything.

You may have noticed that Google recognizes this as "unsafe", but this is just Google Spreadsheet's behavior towards scripts that are not officially approved by them. The scripts themselves are safe, and you're able to view the code anyways (go to Tools > Script Editor) so there's nothing to hide here.

Now that you've done that you're gonna need to input your osu! API key.

Go to Spreadsheet Scripts > Config > Save An API Key and you'll be prompted to enter your key.

To get your API key, click here.
For more information about the osu! API, click here.

Apart from this, the last step is to setup the Settings Sheet. Head to the Sheets page on this website to know how to finish the setup.